Civil Flag Of America

Status Correction Document Generators

Useful for correcting a man or woman's political status to American State National.

This site provides several generators that create documents that can be used to correct a man or woman’s status from U.S. citizen to American State National. There is no charge to use this site.

When you use one of these generators to create a document, you must print it on paper in order to autograph it. These documents, when autographed and notarized, can then be scanned and uploaded to the Global Family Group Prepaid 528 Prosperity System for publishing the man or woman’s status correction. The source of these documents is the Status Correction page at the TASA website.

Please note, these are standard documents that will work for most people. However, for some people with specific situations they may not be appropriate (e.g.: you are a naturalized U.S. citizen). Learn more on our Can You Become An American State National page. Please check the Status Correction page at the TASA website for more information if you are unsure.

How to Autograph

Please see our How To Execute (sign) Documents page.

Available Document Generators:

Declaration of the Naturalization Act of July 1779:

Witness Testimony Affirming American State Political Status and Identity:

Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney:

Common Carry Declaration:

Declaration of Political Status:

Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance:

Fee Schedule:

More Generators Coming Soon!

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