Document Generator
for the
Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance

Fill out this form and then click the 'Submit' button to generate the document "Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance". After you click the 'Submit' button, that document will be displayed. You can then print the document to a file or to a printer for use.

The mailing address will look like this: c/o Post Office Box 1019 (or your street address), Redwood Falls, Minnesota, Postal Code Extension 56283

If you are not in contact with your state's Assembly, you can chose to have this document notarized by any Notary by chosing the State of State Notary block.

None of this information is saved to the website. None of this information is sent to any other entity. None of this information is saved in any cookies.

The next field is the Gender you were born as:

If you were not born on one of the American states, select 'Adopted'. Otherwise, select 'Birth':

The next field is the State you were born in or adopted:

The next field is the State you live in:

Chose the type of Act of Expatriation you wish to generate (you will need one of all four for the full 928 package):

Type of witness block: