Document Generator
for the
Witness Testimony Affirming American State Political Status and Identity
Fill out this form and then click the 'Submit' button to generate the document "Witness Testimony Affirming American State Political Status and Identity". After you click the 'Submit' button, that document will be displayed. You can then print the document to a file or to a printer for use.
NOTE: You will use two copies of the generated document for your status correction. You will need to glue a 2"x2" size passport style photo to each copy. These documents are filled out by two different people who have known you a long time and who can testify to your identity. The witness will sign on the 'by:' line.
The full physical address will look like this: 111 Somewhere Street, Sometown, State
Do not abbreviate anything in the address and do not use a ZIP code.
None of this information is saved to the website. None of this information is sent to any other entity. None of this information is saved in any cookies.