- Anyone born within the physical borders of an American State is eligible.
- Anyone born to an American parent or parents overseas may claim the birth State of their parent or choose between the parent’s birth States, if both parents are Americans. People born in the District of Columbia or the Municipality of Washington, DC, are, in effect, born in foreign countries and rely on one or both parents to establish their political status.
- Anyone who enters the country legally and who either:
- goes through the formal Naturalization process to become a U.S. Citizen, or
- lives here seven years on a Green Card without committing a felony or taking public
assistance, may adopt a home State after establishing a home within its borders and
living there at least a year and a day.
Can people establish an American State National political status based on a Grandparent? That depends on the situation, and especially on where the child is born and who has actual custody on a day to day basis. Children formally adopted by Grandparents who are Americans are eligible to take the Grandparents’s name and nationality.
Nationality is inherited as a birthright. It happens automatically the day you are born. In America, we inherit our nationality from our State. We are New Yorkers, Wisconsinites, Californians, and so on. People can change their nationality by many means, but it must be a conscious and voluntary and fully disclosed change to be valid.
Unfortunately, most of us were misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens shortly after we were born and British Territorial Citizens are not protected by our Public Law, though they are protected by international law prohibiting the activities that have been promoted by the British Territorial Government on our shores. Specifically, they are violating the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Palermo Protocols by preying upon new mothers and coercing them to — without full disclosure — sign their babies over as wards of foreign State of State corporations.
Reclaiming your birthright political status as an American State National stolen from you via the birth certificate must be reversed by each American and recorded.
Contact your state Assembly coordinator at The American States Assemblies website.
This information was written by Anna Von Reitz.
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